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Pull Ups Review

My potty training rules: #1 Wait for interest in using the potty.. If  there is no interest it can be very frustrating. My youngest is 3 in 3 weeks and has JUST started really trying to use the potty with some success! #2 Celebrate the small wins! Tried to pee.. YAY  got some pee in… woohoo!! Pooped!! Super celebrate! I gave each kid a kinder egg when they first pooped on the potty.   #3 Pull-ups are up to you! Some kids do great with them, others treat them like diapers and some just don’t need them. My first son never used them.. went to underwear. My youngest has been using them and is learning to take them off when he has to go.   Potty training is really individual per child IMO. What is working for me right now is Pull-ups (thank you to Influenster for sending us some to try!), a reward chart that he understands, and little rewards to go with it! And always big high fives whenever he goes on the potty! We still have a ways to go, but he...

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